Ruby: A Steep Learning Curve...
Well, it's been a while since I last posted and alot has happened. Course assessment has rolled on while each day new challenges emerge. For the past month, my classmates and I have been tackling an introduction to the Ruby programming language culminating in the creation of a basic terminal application. My app is a simple text-based football game where a user can create a team of legends to take on a team of current superstars and is designed to show that I am proficient with Ruby code to the extent where I can start working with Rails next term. Click Here to view the app Github repository.
The biggest challenge I've faced while learning Ruby has been remembering which methods I need to use to solve a particular problem. Suprisingly for me, structuring solutions with algorithmic thinking before writing the code has so far been the easiest element so far. The reality is that when learning any programming language, practice every single day is so important. Thank you CodeWars for the invaluble practice resources available to an aspiring junior developer!